Hello! I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of
Wisconsin, advised by Prof. Tristan L'Ecuyer. My research investigates the complex role of aerosol
particles in the global energy budget through satellite and model analyses to improve the prediction of future climate.
I am a strategic storyteller, data visualizer, complex problem solver, and dedicated researcher. My passion is sharing science stories with the public through engaging data visualizations.
My research interests include satellite remote sensing, cloud-aerosol-radiation interactions, atmospheric chemistry, and air quality. I have been
involved in the field of atmospheric sciences through interning at
NASA LaRC, attending workshops (WAS*IS, NCAR ULW), and presenting at
professional conferences (AMS, AIAA, ESIP). Upon graduation (expected summer 2017), I plan to pursue a career in atmospheric science at a
government research lab.
I hope you enjoy this website. Feel
free to contact me at !
Alex Matus